Siciid Jaamac Xuseen: Magac iyo Meeqaan. W. Q. Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi ‘Gadhwayne’

Siciid Jaamac Xuseen: Magac iyo Meeqaan. W. Q. Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi ‘Gadhwayne’

Tweet Alle (SWT) ha u naxariisto Siciid Jaamac Xuseen. Geeridu naxdin bay leedahay, waa se…

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ArticleAlert – Tidcan: multiple alliterations in poetry

ArticleAlert – Tidcan: multiple alliterations in poetry

Tweet Abstract: This paper formulates some changes in Somali poetry composition through the transition of…

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COVID Vaccinations Appeal – Dr Edna Adan

COVID Vaccinations Appeal – Dr Edna Adan

Tweet Somaliland Special Envoy, Dr Edna Adan Ismail, appeals to the world leaders to provide…

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Garnaqsi Madaxweyne: Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahin Cigaal

Garnaqsi Madaxweyne: Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahin Cigaal

Tweet Madaxmeyne Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahin Cigaal ayaa soo hordhigay golaha baarlamaanka Somaliland 17kii Diisember 1997kii…

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Rooxaan – gorfeyn sheeko [Somali and English]

Rooxaan – gorfeyn sheeko [Somali and English]

Tweet Qoraalkani waxa uu soo baxay 2016kii. Halkan hoose ka eeg sheekada oo dhammaystiran, oo…

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Maangal: hordhac iyo qeexo aasaasi ah

Maangal: hordhac iyo qeexo aasaasi ah

Tweet Sida af kasta oo adduunka lagaga hadlaaba uu u leeyahay unugyo sal u ah…

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May reminds me also a true Somalilander we lost

May reminds me also a true Somalilander we lost

Tweet   This month of May, while celebrating 18 May, every year reminds me also…

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Sirtii Canbaha (The secret of the mango tree)

Sirtii Canbaha (The secret of the mango tree)

Tweet The whisper comes to my ears like the bleak and disturbing buzzing of a…

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