Qaraami is the Somali Classical Music produced in the decades of 1940 – 1960. The…
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Taaj Mahaal – “Qasri lagu dhisay Jacayl” oo noqdey Jawharkii Fanka Islaamka ee Hindiya
Taaj Mahaal waa qudbi uu ka dul dhisan yahay qasri lagu hindisay jacayl taam ah…
Siciid Jaamac Xuseen: Magac iyo Meeqaan. W. Q. Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi ‘Gadhwayne’
Alle (SWT) ha u naxariisto Siciid Jaamac Xuseen. Geeridu naxdin bay leedahay, waa se xaq…
ArticleAlert – Tidcan: multiple alliterations in poetry
Abstract: This paper formulates some changes in Somali poetry composition through the transition of the…
Laasgeel – duugaal dabiici ah
Farshaxanka Dhagaxkuyaalka[1] LaasgeelDr. Jama Musse Jama Laasgeel waxa ay u jirtaa Hargeysa in ku dhow…
COVID Vaccinations Appeal – Dr Edna Adan
Somaliland Special Envoy, Dr Edna Adan Ismail, appeals to the world leaders to provide a…
Coronavirus and the State of Non-recognition: The Case of Somaliland
Photos Courtesy of Yusuf Dahir In this blog we analyse the challenges and opportunities for…
“Sacbul” – Cali Axmed Raabbi “Cali Seenyo”: faallayn iyo sharraxaad
Lix ka mid ah maansooyinka uu Cali Axmed Raabbi “Cali Seenyo” tiriyey waxa ay ka…
‘Hoodaar’ oo sharraxan: lafaggurid maanso
Saddex saaxiibbo ah, Faarax Axmed Cali “Gammuute”, Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi “Gadhwayne” iyo Siciid Jaamac Xuseen…
So At One With You: An Anthology of Modern Poetry in Somali
My latest article published on East African Literary and Cultural Studies is available online. Download…