‘Hoodaar’ oo sharraxan: lafaggurid maanso

‘Hoodaar’ oo sharraxan: lafaggurid maanso

Tweet Saddex saaxiibbo ah, Faarax Axmed Cali “Gammuute”, Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi “Gadhwayne” iyo Siciid Jaamac…

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Somali Corpus – towards 5 million tagged words: challenges and opportunities

Somali Corpus – towards 5 million tagged words: challenges and opportunities

Tweet Title: Somali Corpus – towards 5 million tagged words: challenges and opportunities Date: 24…

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Launch of Kaydka Af Soomaaliga (Somali Corpus)

Launch of Kaydka Af Soomaaliga (Somali Corpus)

Tweet Somali Corpus is a grammatically annotated electronic corpus of Somali language and literature. With…

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Somali Corpus: state of the art tool for linguistic analysis

Somali Corpus: state of the art tool for linguistic analysis

Tweet Workshop: Somali Corpus: state of the art tool for linguistic analysis – November 2015…

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